Sen Kitahara 北原 千(きたはら せん)

My theme is 'Story and Landscape.'
When painting landscapes, a new world is born on the canvas, each with its own story.
Utilising palette knives is also essential to my artistic process, as I use their touch to depict the narratives within the landscapes.



Exhibitions | 主な展示情報

  • 2023 First solo show "Journey of Cats"
  • 2022 "Yoshida Cup Small Size Contest", received 'Shibaman art-one Award'
  •            "ESY Project Competition", received 'Special Award'
  •            "Winter 0 Size Show 2022", received 'Nakazato Award'
  • 2014-2021 Group Exhibitions

  • 2023     初個展『猫の旅路 Journey of Cats』(京都市・好文舍)
  • 2022   『吉田杯小作品コンテスト2022』(大阪市・芝田町画廊)しばまんart-one賞受賞
  •      『ESY Project Competition』(大阪市・芝田町画廊)特別賞受賞
  •      『冬の0号展2022』(京都市・ZINE gallery)中里賞 受賞
  • 2021 『二人展』(京都市)
  • 2019 『クレアシオン』(茨木市)
  • 2018 『joint exhibition』(神戸市)
  • 2017 『二人展』(大阪市)
  • 2016 『ACT ART COM 2016』(新宿区)
  • 2014 『ごちゃまぜ三人展』(京都市)